Saturday, 29 February 2020

Emulating DCC RPG’s Funky Dice on Fantasy Grounds

In MeWe’s DCC RPG group we were discussing Fantasy Ground’s (FG) lack of 3D funky dice support. Although FG only includes the standard set of 6 dice as 3D, it still allows you to roll the additional funky dice (just without the funky dice visuals). Here is a tutorial on how to use FG to emulate the additional dice used in DCC RPG.

Option 1. Use the /die command. For example, typing /die d14 into the chat box will roll a d14.

Option 2. Use the modifier (+1d, +2d, -1d, -2d) on the bottom left-hand side of the screen to move up/down the dice chain. Then grab the appropriate die and roll it. For example, if you want to roll a d24, click the +1d modifier and then roll the d20 (see Figure 1).

Figure 1. Using the dice modifier to emulate funky dice.

Option 3. Use the custom dice feature associated with each die. To use each die's custom dice feature, right click on the die, and select "Custom Dice." Custom dice options are as follows: d20 = d16, d14; d12 = d24; d10 = d100, d5, d30; d8 = d7; d6 = d2, d3. For example, if you want to roll a d16, right click on the d20, select “Custom Dice,” click d16, then roll the die (see Figure 2).

Figure 2. Using the custom die option to emulate funky dice.

Need to include a positive or negative modifier on your roll? Click the modifier box in the bottom left-hand corner of the screen, then type in the appropriate modifier. Then proceed with option 1 or 2 above.

Automating Funky Dice Rolls. The options above are useful for one-off rolls. However, if you know you will be making the same rolls on an ongoing basis, you will likely want to automate your funky dice rolls. Here are a couple ways to do that:

Numbered Dice Slots. Use option 1, 2, or 3 above, but instead of hitting enter on the die command (Option 1) or rolling the die (Options 2 & 3), drag the command or the die to a numbered slot at the bottom of the screen. Then right click on the slot, click “Edit Label,” then type in the correct die label (e.g., d30). Do this for each of the funky dice (see Figure 3).  When you need to roll a particular die, click on the appropriate slot.

Figure 3. Using numbered dice slots to automate funky dice rolls.

Characters’ Weapons. Go to the Action tab of your character sheet. Click on the magnifying glass icon to open the Weapon sheet of the appropriate weapon. In the Weapon sheet, right click on the dice entry, then click "Clear Dice." To add the funky die, use option 2 or 3 above, but instead of rolling the die, drag and drop it on the dice slot - attack or damage as appropriate - for the weapon. Now, when you double click your attack roll, FG will roll the funky die and add in the relevant modifiers. You can also drag and drop your attack roll die onto an opponent. In doing so, FG will automate the attack versus your opponent’s AC. If you hit, drag your damage die onto your opponent and FG will automatically deduct the damage you dealt from its hit points. See Figure 4 for an example of a 6th level cleric who would have a d14 for his second attack.

Figure 4. Creating attack (and damage) rolls that use funky dice.

Friday, 21 February 2020

Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG Level 1 Character Generator Using "Race as Race" House Rules

Having enjoyed creating an Excel level 0 character generator, and being a huge fan of DCC RPG, I've been plugging away at developing a level 1 generator for DCC RPG (download file v1.4.1, 02/23/20). The generator uses the "Race as Race" house rules I compiled and revised from different sources. These house rules separate out race from class. The generator allows the user to select a completely random character or choose character options (e.g., race, class, alignment). I've currently covered mostly traditional core fantasy classes. Classes include:
  1. Barbarian (Knights in the North)
  2. Bard - Sage, Minstrel, and Skald variants (Sanctum Secorum Ep. #35 Companion)
  3. Cleric (DCC RPG)
  4. Defender - José Luiz Cardoso's sword & sorcery conversion of the Dwarf (Phlogiston Books Vol. II)
  5. Druid (Knights in the North)
  6. Necromancer (Knights in the North)
  7. Paladin - Templar, Guardian, and Dark Knight variants (Knights in the North)
  8. Ranger - Archer and Two-Weapon Fighter variants (Crawl! fanzine no. 6)
  9. Rogue - José Luiz Cardoso's sword & sorcery conversion of the Halfling (Phlogiston Books Vol. II)
  10. Thief (DCC RPG)
  11. Warlock - José Luiz Cardoso's sword & sorcery conversion of the Elf (Phlogiston Books Vol. II)
  12. Warrior (DCC RPG)
  13. Wizard (DCC RPG)

I added in Ari-Matti Piippo and Joni Kesti's Animal Form spell as a standard ability for the Druid and their Animal Companion option for the Druid and Ranger. Occupations and equipment are based on the Alternate Occupations supplement for DCC RPG. Additional equipment is based on items created by members of the MeWe DCC RPG group.

The Result: The formula coding is atrocious (I don't know what I'm doing most of the time), it's messy in more than a few places, but it works... usually. Thus, I (and now you!) can quickly create a never-ending parade of race-as-race house ruled level 1 PCs for DCC RPG.
